
We started off with a dream. A dream to provide a unique experience. After seeing so many short and long term rentals listing with many of the same features, we decided to put our own unique spin on it. Since then we have created opportunities for those who wish to add an additional source of income and we have also had the pleasure of seeing so many families and groups touched by the memories they were able to create during their stays at our rentals. We are in the business of realizing dreams, both financial and memorable.


Partner, business director and Real Estate agent.

Meet Our Business Maestro!

For over two dazzling decades, our captain of industry has been calling the United States home, navigating the ever-changing seas of real estate with finesse and flair. With a remarkable 17 years as a seasoned Realtor and an impressive 12-year stint as a Property Manager, he’s not just managing properties; he’s curating experiences.

Beyond the Business: But wait, there’s more to our maestro than meets the eye! Did you know he’s a connoisseur in the world of Comic Books and Action Figures? A fun fact that adds a dash of playfulness to the world of property management.


Partner, maintenance and supply director.


Meet Fabiano: Our Architectural Alchemist!

With more than two decades gracefully woven into the fabric of the United States, Fabiano is not just a resident; he’s a maestro in the world of general construction, turning dreams into structural masterpieces.

Beyond the Blueprint: Did you know Fabiano is not just about bricks and mortar? He’s a “Rato de Academia” (Gym Rat), proudly part of the 4 am Bros club, infusing a burst of energy into his day before most have even begun.


Name Rafael

Inspired by the surrounding landscape, Dream Vacation Orlando was designed to make your visit a unique, comfortable and fun experience. Our goal is to extend the experience that is felt at the amusement parks back to the home, where it will live on. 

Our team knows that traveling can be exhausting, and will do their best to make your stay easy and satisfying. Take a look at our site to find out more about our homes and amenities, and get in touch if there’s anything else we can help you with. We look forward to welcoming you soon!


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